Thursday 2 February 2017

We rise by lifting others

When I was writing my university dissertation, I had trouble thinking of what to write. I felt like most of what I was writing was just empty jargon. Sat in the library with my best friend, I was seconds away from an emotional breakdown. I had repeated again and again "I can't do this". In doing so, not only had I voiced words that weren't true, I had convinced myself further that the task at hand was impossible.

My friend, equally battling with her own dissertation demons, turned to me and held my hand. She saved mine and her own work and struck up a deal. "How about we go and get a dinner wrap and a carrot cake and take a break, During that hour break, we both talked about everything but the dissertation. We both dreaded going back to work but with a minute sense of refreshment, we tried once again. After a few hours, I still hadn't gotten more than 50 words down but she had finished pages. I felt worse and decided to call it a night, and in my heart of hearts I had given up for the night. At home, I sat with a cup of hot chocolate and reached into my bag for a book. as I reached in I found a note. 

I believe in you 

That is all it took. I suddenly felt 100 times lighter. I pulled out my laptop and got back to work, hot chocolate in hand. 

It is incredible isn't it? 4 words convinced me that I could do it. 4 small words. I don't think my friend knew how much power her words had on me. Just because she believed it, I started to believe in myself again. So I propose an idea. I propose a daily action. Whether it be someone you are incredibly close to or someone that you barely know, contribute a few words of encouragement. Help them see they deserve more credit than they are giving themselves. Be the positive push that they need. Not only will you be helping to lift their emotions, there is also the added feeling that YOU made a difference to someone and remember that YOU are ALSO capable of greatness.

After all, we rise by lifting others 

Thursday 3 November 2016

Turning shortcomings into strengths

I have never been a particularly positive person. In fact I am probably the polar opposite. I grew up feeling quite inadequate and lacking of any people skills. As I got older, these negative traits have held me back. I grew up blaming circumstances and other people but the truth is I have been the one to hold myself back and I have poisoned my own thinking.

I've come to notice, that when it comes to praising myself or feeling proud of my achievements, I am harsh and unforgiving. I am blind to every positive attribute I possess and I stick to my shortcomings like glue. But when I am talking to someone else experiencing similar feelings about themselves, the flaws that they see, seem minor to me. I see nothing but good things. I see nothing but silver linings for them.

When was the last time you praised yourself? When was the last time you graciously accepted a compliment from someone AND agreed!? It has to start now! You are better than you know. I bet you overthink every. single. detail. I have too! Have you ever heard of the good wolf who is kind and compassionate, joyful, loving and positive and the evil wolf who is pessimistic, angry, jealous and unforgiving? The one that wins is the one you feed.

You are capable and kind and while overthinking can often be a downfall, it's also a strength. Overthinking means you have something you care about. It demonstrates kindness and compassion. It demonstrates a mobile mind and logical and analytical thinking. These are all strengths. These are something to be proud of! So be kinder to yourself. Give yourself that pat on the back.